FDC Connections | Fire Department Connections

HFTS- Storz Full-Time Swivel: Straight Adapter

Harrington Inc., “Forged” Storz heads provide maximum strength. Tested to a rated pressure of 240 PSI. No hidden imperfections like those found in cast couplings. Available 2” to 6”.

All Storz couplings 4” and larger include an All Metal NFPA compliant Storz-Lok.


Part NumberStorzBSPLIST
HFTS50-40BSP/SL5” Storz FTS w/Storz-Lok4” BSP Female$675.00
HFTS50-50BSP/SL5” Storz FTS w/Storz-Lok5” BSP Female$597.00
FTS= Full Time Swivel
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